Welcome To

Bay Presbyterian Church

Presbyterian Church in America

We’d love to have you join us this Sunday!

Whether you’re new or returning, we look forward to sharing in the joy of worship and growing together in Christ. Focused on faith, Scripture, and the grace of God.

Come be uplifted by God’s Word and experience the love and fellowship of our Christian community. 

Sunday Worship

9:00 am

11:00 am

Adult Sunday School

10:10 am

Evening Bible Study

Thursday 6:30 pm

NO CLASS on March 13th

Welcome To Bay Presbyterian Church

A community of believers in Jesus Christ, loving and worshiping God, loving and serving our neighbors. Our mission is to preach the good news of Jesus Christ, encouraging people in their faith and equipping them to go into the world to meet physical and spiritual needs.

Get Connected

Women's Group

Men's Group
